The deposit will be held by the DPS as a security against any debts that may be incurred and due by the tenants.
From 1st June 2019 landlords in England are limited to the equivalent of 5 weeks' rent for new and renewed tenancies (or 6 weeks if the annual rent is £50,000 or more).
Get the deposit cap right with our handy calculator.
Note that where the calculation results in more than .5 of a penny above the cap, we have rounded down to the nearest penny
As a professional letting agent in Cambridge it is mandatory that we take up references on all adults who wish to rent through our agency. Each applicant will have to complete a reference application form(s).
On receiving satisfactory references we will confirm a date between yourself and the landlord for the tenancy to start A legal agreement will be drawn up and we will require the following before the tenancy commences
All monies should be cleared funds paid directly into our bank account by BACS.
On going rental payments are to be made by standing order directly from your bank to ours. Payment will be due on the same day of the month that you move in and rents will be due in advance on the same date of each month thereafter for the duration of the tenancy.
A Fee would be charged (see application form) for all payments made other than Standing Order.
It is the landlords responsibility to insure his buildings. As a tenant you will need to arrange cover for your contents and remember that whilst in your home you are legally responsible for the landlords fixtures, fittings and contents. We are able to offer specialist policies. Please ask for details.